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Fan's Corner
Matt, you fought your battle with cancer with a level of courage I could only hope to possess! You are truly missed around here...
Brendan Smith, Class of 73' Piper HS
Matt's father, Jud, and I grew up more as brothers than cousins, so it wasn't surprising that my three sons thought of Matt, Luke, and Dan as their Georgia brothers. Many treasured memories came from our all too infrequent visits to Deep Creek. Six little boys seemed to function as one as they hiked, built forts, and explored the wonders of the farm.
When Matt was diagnosed with cancer, it was hard for all of us to deal with, but Matt would continue to teach us with his courage, his optimism, and his limitless compassion for others. We are all better people for having had Matt in our lives and learning the lessons that he taught us. 
-Craig K.
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